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Where to go when. . .

 I need special prayer

Prayer Service is held every Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm, on the 1st Sunday at 8:00 am.  Feel free to leave a message at (314) 531-1978 to request special prayer.


I need spiritual counseling

Contact Pastor Brown or any minister by calling the church at (314) 531-1978.


I am sick

If you or a family member is at home ill or in the hospital, please call the church at (314) 531-1978 and leave a message for Pastor Brown.  Also contact Rev. Joe Patterson, the Assistant to the Pastor and Visitation Minister.


A loved one has passed away

Contact the church immediately.  Please inform us of the date, time and place funeral services and visitation will be held.  The church clerk, Jeanette Thomas, is available to assist you with arrangements when needed, by appointment only.


I need assistance with physical needs

Our food pantry ministry is open on the last Saturday of the month at 8 am and provides food and clothing to the those in need.  This ministry is also available to members who are in need.  Please contact the Food Pantry Director, Carlton McKinney, Jr. for additional information. 


I am getting married

Congratulations on your engagement!  All engaged couples are to complete “Before You Say, I Do”, premarital counseling with Pastor Brown.  Please call to schedule your appointment.  Additional information is available on the membership services page.


We want to have our baby blessed

Congratulation on your new arrival!  All babies are blessed on the 3rd Sunday.  Please contact the church clerk, Jeanette Thomas, of the month you would like to have your child blessed.  Forms are available on the membership services page.


I need to use the church facilities 

Members are entitled use of the facilities for weddings, receptions, concerts, etc. at no cost.  However, you are responsible for fees incurred for maintenance and the use of a security guard.  Advance notification is required.  Please contact Dyanna Turner or any member of the building usage committee to reserve your day on the church calendar. 


I have special announcements

Contact any member of the Hospitality Committee or stop by the reception area on Sunday morning and give your announcement to any committee member.

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